Windows into outer worlds.
A small selection of 35mm film photos I took with a handed-down range-finder camera, 1996 - 2000. I loved the part-time photography and darkroom printing classes at Adult Education in Westminster, the ever supportive tutors, the sanctuary of the building, my escape. I feel blessed by this snapshot in time of my family and friends. Photos were never posed: I said ‘hold it!’ when an image struck me, my dressing-up girls especially.
Mostly I used b/w film, with well known tricks like burning and dodging; adding tone, such as sepia could take many hours in the dark room.
This colour photo of a ‘runaway biker girl’ was my bored younger daughter outside the Photographer’s Gallery - I found her sulking on a discarded office chair, clutching her art case, her black leather jacket fitting perfectly with motorbikes of Great Newport Street and the junk.
Here Elvie, my eldest, is poised at her early teens.
Lily age 2, at London zoo…